Need the quick thrill of exploding lovesick killer robots? Check out Love Them to Death. This neatly-crafted robot flirting simulator was created for funni jam #3 game jam in just two weeks.
The game dev team on this little love gem is my friend Dave Kornfeld and talented colleagues from his previous life at The Onion: Alex Blechman, Jamie Brew, Mike Gillis, and David McQuary.
The theme of this game jam was... Destroy Everything. And they did just that! I love blowing things up... with words of love and romance as my weapons, never with guns!
Set in a future where civilization has been destroyed, the player must attempt to mirror each killer robot's individual love language. If the player can find the magic words to touch the heart of that robot, the robot will fall in love with the player and self-destruct.
I love blowing things up... with words of love and romance as my weapons, never with guns!
My favorite story elements + game play mechanics = emotional player experiences are:
As the player tunes into each robot's special needs, and selects the words that the robot y to hear, the robot mellows. They become thirsty to hear their very personal terms of endearment. That's when the player can deliver the ultimate blow -- so many specifically selected amorous expressions that the robot explodes into a shower of hearts.and Pancake recipes.
As the player tunes into each robot's special needs, and selects the words that the robot yearns to hear, the robot mellows. They become thirsty to hear their very personal terms of endearment. That's when the player can deliver the ultimate blow -- so many specifically selected amorous expressions that the robot explodes into a shower of hearts.
Robot Animations Each challenge level has it's own killer robot with unique looks, and more importantly, a unique love language. Like in some real life dating experiences, the robots begin their mini-dates by displaying nervous animated behavior. We've all met robots like this, bots who start a conversation by being loud, frozen-stiff, super-chatty, or smugly over-confident.
But... as the player tunes into each robot's special needs, and selects the words that the robot yearns to hear, the robot mellows. They become thirsty to hear their very personal terms of endearment. That's when the player can deliver the ultimate blow -- so many specifically selected amorous expressions that the robot explodes into a shower of hearts.
My favorite robot is The Originator. Why? I don't know, I just like their style. Something about the way they spin and sparkle. It does something to me. They're pretty. I can't explain the attraction. And yes, if I need to speak like Jeff Bezos in order to be intimate with the super sexy Originator, then that's what I'll do. No problem. That's my love robot!
If I need to speak like Jeff Bezos in order to be intimate with the super sexy Originator, then that's what I'll do.
Check it out. Have some word play with love puzzles. Blow up some robots. Love Them to Death